Anyways, this past week something crazy happened....We got put in a trio!!
Sister Jensen in zhubei was training a
本地人 (Taiwan native) that was
waiting to go to America and so she got put into a trio after her baby left! So
now we cover both areas!
We set
陳先生 and
郭小姐 on date!! We had explained
the plan of salvation and how to truly know what is from heavenly father and
what is not. It was such a cool lesson and then right after that we ran over to
teach Judy and her husband! We ate dinner with them and it was super cool to
hear how she was looking for a religion and she wants to understand.
We also met with
彭小姐 this past week and it was
super cool! We met at a member
house and we shared the full restoration and helped her connect the dots on our
church. She has absolutely no Christian background so it was cool to talk about
Christ with her! She then came to church this past week and she loved it!
We met with Linda at a members house and it was a super powerful lesson. We had
shared about obedience and the story of king Benjamin from alma 22 where he is
willing to give up everything he had (which if you think about is a lot of
stuff considering HE IS A KING) in order to receive this happiness. We talked
about what we were willing to give up in order to gain this happiness. Then we
brought up the word of wisdom and she was super willing to keep the word of
wisdom and she came to church too!!
We also met with this
同學 and shared the plan of
salvation. We had this super cool analogy I learned in training (thanks wml)
where when we leave heavenly fathers presence it's like a parent sending their
child to school. Sure the kid might be like WHY and yeah they might face some
homework and tests but it'll be good for them. Its just like us coming to
earth, we leave heavenly father and sure we will face some trials and
challenges but it'll be good for us. Just like parents still love their
children and help them with their homework they sure won't do their homework
for them cause then how will the child learn? our Heavenly Father loves us and
will help us through our trials, but as much as he loves us he won't take away
our trials because we need them to learn. In the afternoon parents expect their
children to come back home and if they don't they're super worried, our
Heavenly father is waiting for us and going to the celestial kingdom after this
life is like us going home. He is patiently and lovingly waiting for all of us
to come home to him .
Nonspiritual thoughts:
Omg we tried biking to
a couple days ago and it was SO WINDY. Like beyond windy. We have to hike over
a bridge and it usually takes us around 25 minutes to get to
Zhubei but cause it was so
windy it took us 45 minutes. I swear I was biking my normal 3/7 but I was
barely moving and if I stopped pedaling I would fall over. Then we had to bike
up the
Xinfeng hill and
that this is a mountain jeez it was huge. I was so pooped and it was only 12
Jensen hates
snacks and she's like I'll only eat cheesecake or molten lava cake and then for
language study we go to family mart and look around for a snack and lo and
behold there it is.....Cheesecake HHAHAHAHHAHA.
I obliterated this mosquito at sister Jensen's apartment in
Zhubei, it was flying towards
me and I smacked my hands together and basically erased it from history. There
was this weird bug by our sink in
and I was like sister Jensen kill it so she smashed it with her thumb and was
like if it wasn't dead already it is now cause it literally disintegrated and
then I was like yeah it died you literally went hulk smash on it.
This part Wednesday we were doing a fashion show for our English class with the
kids and there were so many cockroaches on the wall hahaha we would hear the
child scream and sister Jensen would just go over and smash it with her shoe.
But her shoes are like literally breaking in half and her big toe is breaking
through so we keep making jokes that o
ne day half
of her
shoe is gonna be left in the sidewalk.
We also taught our class the
“who let the dogs out
” cause
we were teaching The question word who and it was hilarious seeing them sing the
song HAHAHAH We asked if anyone knew this song and this one mom raises her hand
and starts laughing out loud every time the children sang it.

Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106