We leave Provo at around 4:50 am (that's when we meet at the
travel office but that's not the time we exactly depart from Provo) but our
flight from Salt Lake to San Francisco is at 9:40 am so I am not sure when I
will call??? When is best? Will you guys be awake? I don't have much of a
layover in San Fran before Taiwan. We are estimated to arrive in San Fran at
11:12 am and we leave at 12:20 pm. I am the travel leader so I am in charge of
all of us leaving the MTC and going to Taiwan, so in total five people
including myself. Elder Turpin has never been on a plane so we all have to help
him out. I'm emailing so early because we have to clean the temple at 8 and
that's three and a half hours of service. I'll be back on later, but then after
that I have to pack. Once I finish packing I will know how much stuff I have to
send back.
Also, on Christmas we get to call you guys for half an
hour!! Our time is at 4! Who should I call? It's not a Facetime or anything but
you do get to hear my beautiful voice.
Also, I got the package with the music and food. Thanks!!
Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
DA-an, Taipei 106