Hello family!!!!!
We are still living in Songshan as of right now since our apartment is
still a bit iffy. We had a water heater guy come over and look at our
apartment. He went to our water heater
and when he opened to look at it...it basically crumbled in his hand.
Then he basically told us we do have CO and that it would need to be
replaced since it was SO OLD. So President Jergensen is having the
office Elders look at a new apartment for us today
and if they like it then we can go look at it and decide. Today for
pday we are going to the beach!! (which I am honestly so excited for) We
are going with sister Kim and her companion and a couple of other
for qingkes we still ate SO MUCH. I ate so much that one of our
investigators said I was getting a little pang pang. (fat) and I was
also went to the hospital...once again. I got bit a lot while I was in
Songshan (don't worry cause we have the raid and stuff now so we are
fine) but like the first night I got bit everywhere
and I literally looked like i got ran over by a car. Our investigators
and our ward is so cute, they found out and they gave me all this stuff
to help with my billions of bites. I got one on my eyelid and it swelled
so much (cause I am allergic) and it was
so big that I went to the doctor to get medicine to put on my eye. I
iced my eye for about two days during meal times and so for right now I
am only wearing glasses. It's almost gone but I think I will
miss everyone going
wrong with your eye??? and me being
I am still alive so don't worry and then them just being like
have medicine for you and me being like

So we are definitely still alive!! My companion had been waking up almost every night in Xizhi with the prompting to go open a window (me being the rock hard sleeper I am...I didn't wake up over anything. Like a fire alarm could go off and if I am in deep sleep well enough I won't hear a single thing) and then we figure out later that we have CO in our apartment!! So we are still alive yay!! We are getting tested this Thursday for CO poisoning (it shouldn't be that high since we only had a bit in our apartment).
eye also got better so fast, there was one morning that it literally
was so fat and I could barely open it. I honestly did so many prayers
and it has gotten so much better in just a couple
of days. I will send a picture of day one where I literally look like I
was ran over by a truck with like 3 mosquito bites all over my face to
one from today. Don't laugh at me.
Yesterday we barely had any investigators come to church and we were really
we have this recent convert fireside every month that we could invite
investigators to. So you know that I love one of our investigators so
much right? Guo Jiemei is literally so cute and she just needs to be
loved. Her family situation and the way she was
raised is so sad and so we were just unsure if she has ever been told
she was loved. But we had a lesson where we just taught about the
Savior's love and how she was so important and she just started crying.
She hadn't answered her phone that entire morning
(of Sunday)
and we were like hm.... so a bit before dinner i was like...I am going
to call her one more time and she answered within the first ring (I
can't even count rings anymore cause everyone just has a song as their
ring line now) and she was so willing
to go all the way to Taipei to attend the fireside! It is so cool to
see the power of the Atonement change lives. She is finally coming out
of her drug haze and she is becoming more like herself!! Ahhhh I just
love her so much.
also thought that since we went to the doctor's in the morning that we
wouldn't have enough time to make it to our Mommy class at 10:30 am on Thursday morning. But everything literally worked
out and we made it back right on time and we got to teach the mom's there!!
So there's this investigator named Scott that meets with the Elders. He's American and he lives in Xizhi, he's trying to get his PhD and he just has had a tough life. We were in the church eating lunch (cause we have nowhere to eat anymore in Xizhi) and he came in and said hello (looking for the Elders). He was waiting for the Elders and while he was waiting, Sister Austad and I decided to just start talking to him more. We ended up teaching him a lesson all about the Savior and relying on our Savior! It turned out the Elders had forgotten about their appointment and if we hadn't been there then Scott would've definitely stopped being an investigator. It was honestly a divine rendezvous that was Scott really needed, it was cool to teach in English and to really just teach about our Savior.
Non spiritual stuff:
Pics: The frist
one is how I literally looked with a billion mosquito bites on my face and hand (aka ran over by a
car) with Sister Kim who also got bit all over the face.
The second one is
today...I am doing great!!
Also got my official name tag today!
I have to go
soon cause we are going to the beach with other missionaries. But I love you
all and I will talk to you next week!!
Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106
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