My new companion!!! Sister Rachel Chang |
Ahhhh I am out of training!!!!! I can't believe it! I have been in Taiwan for three months now? Here's is the news you all have been waiting for.... I am staying in Xizhi! Sister Austad went to Hualian as as STL! My new Companion is Sister Chang. She is from California. Her dad is from Taiwan and her mom is American. She's about three transfers ahead of me! She's pretty cool and she's so funny when she does her Miranda Sings impression.
This week was more on the rough side, a lot of our investigators stopped progressing as much as we wanted to and they went over their baptismal date. It was a bit sad at first I am not going to lie, but the great thing about this gospel is about looking forward.This week more than ever I have learned how to look forward and to not think about myself at all. It has made the past couple of days better and I don't feel like I am in this rut anymore. One thing cool I learned this week is that our life is like a rock going down a river and in order to become smooth we must be tumbled around a little bit. Our rock is only able to become as smooth as we let it become. If we let God and Christ mold us into stones, our rough edges will be made smooth and we are able to become the person we are meant to be. At times when we feel like we are discouraged, I think it is best to remember the reason why we are here and the people that we promised before this life that we would find. I am confident that Sister Chang and I, with God's help, will be able to find the people that are prepared and that are waiting for us.
We were able to have some miracles though! There are always
small miracles that make missions so worth while. We had an investigator that
we had dropped once and wasn't really sure if this was right for her and we had been trying to give her a baptismal date but she
wasn't really wanting to do it. When we met with her yesterday, she had told us
some amazing experiences about prayer and that she was willing to do basically
everything we asked her to do. We are still trying to help her understand the
Book of Mormon and baptism, but we are so sure that she will progress fast and
move towards baptism!
We also have Sherry who is a grandmother that we started
teaching, she has one of those amazing feelings where she basically feels like
she is already a member. We still have to teach her some more lessons, but she
is so willing to come to church and she said she loves the way our church is
set up.
Nonspiritual stuff:
One of our investigators Xiao Hui Ru is so funny sometimes,
we had invited her to read the scriptures and we meet with her later and she's
like....why does the Book of Mormon say "Behold" and "Now it
came to pass" so much?!?! LEWL.
I tried to say hi to someone at a light stop, they were on a
scooter and one was holding a giant pizza. When I said hi at first they didn't
say anything and I was like...maybe they didn't hear me, so I proceed to move
forward and I yelled hi while waving my hand. They both proceed to look at me and
then they looked away and I was like....OK BYE and I moved awkwardly back
hahahaha. They must think that was one crazy lady. 
Today we are going to get some really good sushi. I ate
the raw fish here oh well. It was delicious. I don't know what it is but it's a
"delicacy". I also have had shrimp, fish, and squid. I don't want
oysters though. One of our investigators tried to get us to eat some
kind of chicken internal organs. I don’t know exactly what it is but it has weird gelatin
stuff with gravy and I'm like..... 
and pretending to eat it 
We are going to elephant mountain!! Now that Sister Lim is closer to us,
Sister Kim and I are going to party it up on p-days!!
Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106