Monday, March 6, 2017

Where did everyone go???

This week was a lot of figuratively tripping if that makes sense. It was like walking up a giant mountain and being like....where is the top?? and then on the way up tripping a billion and a half times. But it's okay because once we get to the top that means that there is the downhill part which is where a lot of miracles happen and it's the most fun!! 


Liu Jiemei is doing alright, we had a lesson where she kind of dropped a lot of surprising information on us but my companion and I are slowly figuring her out and trying to teach more to her needs. It is sometimes hard because here in Taiwan a lot of people have face, so it's hard to tell what they really mean. That's the great thing about listening to the Holy Ghost, because when we don't know exactly what is true we can listen to him and know what to teach. We invited her to the recent convert fireside and she was able to sit next to this member in our ward (which was purely God's work because we didn't know this member was going) and become better friends with the ward member. 

Sherry is doing great! She is going to the Muzha ward now and she got the gift of the Holy Ghost! She is so cute and I don't even know what else to say about her.

Katie is doing well too, she's the other 16 year old we are teaching. She  has only been coming to an hour of church so far because she's a bit too scared to tell her parents yet. But she's been taking the lessons really well and so we've been trying to build up her faith so she can tell her parents soon!

Yesterday we biked to do Less Active finding and that took about an hour (cause our area is huge!!) but we didn't end up going to the LA's house because it was up this HUGE mountain and we wanted to be effective. Since we biked for an hour we didn't want to waste time, so we decided to go finding around the base of the mountain that we went to. We were trying to call people to invite to the RC fireside when we saw this lady that was standing by us in work out clothes, so we decided to start contacting her and it turns out she's so open to our message and we set up with her for later this week!! She was waiting for a date and she said that she didn't have a special religion she was in (usually in Xizhi everyone is buddhist).

So my companion and I sometimes do this thing where we pray to know what our investigator is wearing or where they are and then we go and find. My companion had seen a felt type of blue jacket so that's what we were looking for but we weren't having any success that day of finding someone with that. A little while later we decided to go into U-town (which is like a huge mall) and so right when we walked in our jaws about dropped because there was a girl with the exact jacket Sister Austad had seen. We ended up setting up with her and her husband!!

Nonspiritual stuff:
My companion and I left our apartment one day and were riding to the church to have a lesson with a lady named Peggy, when we arrived to the church we realized something....we didn't have our KEYS. We left our keys in our apartment!! And there are so many locking doors we were like OH NO.  We had to call the elders to use their key to get in the church and then luckily later they were going to Taipei for a temple tour with an investigator so they were able to pick up our extra keys. Our office Elder who helps with all the apartment problems literally had a laughing attack because he was like...I haven't heard from the Xizhi sisters in a while....and then we called.

I was surprised mom sent such a big package, I felt like a movie star with a package from America. Thanks Mom!

This week we are going to Jiufen!! It's like a huge night market area so it's going to be so fun!!!!
Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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