Hello from
Xizhi! This week was a bit harder since we weren't in our area as much, but we
were able to see some amazing miracles!
I learned a lot
from companionship exchanges and a lot about just enjoying missionary work!
It's been a bit harder since we had to drop a lot of investigators since they
weren't progressing as much or they just weren't as interested. To combat this
negative mindset, Sister Chang and I every morning at 7:20 am go to the mirror
and we raise our hands up and say "WE FEAR NO MAN" for a good two
minutes and then we go on with our day.
On Saturday we
had the amazing opportunity to do temple tours, I love to do temple tours
because we are always able to see some amazing miracles from it! My Aunt had
told me two weeks ago about the two uncles that live in Taipei, this was amazing
to hear because I had never known I had family here in Taiwan. It was a little
odd at first contacting him since I had never met him and this was our first
time talking. I had been praying and hoping I would stay close enough to Taipei
to do temple tours so I could meet him and introduce him to our church, and
when transfers came and I saw I was staying I about died. I immediately
contacted him and invited him to our next scheduled temple tour and it turns
out that it was perfect timing because he would be back from his business trip
in Hong Kong just in time to make it. At first I was really worried about what
type of tour to give him, but when we met with him it was almost like he was
telling us what he wanted to learn! He wanted to know all about how our church
was different than other churches and so we gave him the restoration tour. He was
amazed since he had never heard any of these things before and was so curious
about the Book of Mormon. It was a small seed planted, but I am so happy that
he had the opportunity to hear about our church! We also had the
opportunity to teach his
Aunt at temple tours and we taught an amazing lesson on the plan of salvation.
It is amazing to have the opportunity to teach family here in Taiwan!
So we went to
elephant mountain and by mountain I mean just A HUGE AMOUNT OF STAIRS. JUST
STAIRS FOR DAYS. Sister Kim, Sister Lim, and I party it up on pdays now since
we are all so close to each other.
We also had this amazing sushi and I just loved it. Like it was
sooooo good.
Also people
here are so scared of rain like I am not even kidding. They retreat back into
the shadows when rain comes. They are so funny, one time it was sprinkling a
little bit on our way to the church and when we were almost to the church we
see this lady that had a plastic bag on her head to cover her hair from the
Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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