okay the week
was seriously soooooo gooooooood. It was full of ups and downs as always but
yesterday it ended on some good notes.
Transfers are
this week and I am hoping that our district stays the same for one more
transfer. Siyuan is on fire right now!! (figuratively....well and literally
because it is SO HOT)
This week we
have been trying so hard to really see some more miracles in our area. Our
district has really been trying to help our ward see how much effort us
missionaries are putting into the work. First off....Li Jia Ling is probably
getting baptized this Saturday!!!!!!!! We met with her on Thursday at the
building of a member in our ward, we went in with the mind of sharing the word
of wisdom and the law of chastity. We (okay I think just me) was scared about
what she would think about these commandments. I remember the first time we met
with her and she straight up said (before we had even really started teaching
her anything), "I heard that your church doesn't drink tea...I can't give
up tea, I need it for my health." We assured her that we would tell her
more about it later and that to not worry. We really tried to help her
understand the blessings of following the commandments and to help her see that
it would help her rely on Christ and it wouldn't be just her giving up tea but
Christ helping her overcome something she thinks she has to rely on. Once she
understood how Christ would be there to help her she was more than willing to
keep the commandment. We then asked her about how she felt about baptism since
her goal is the 29th of July and she still had quite a few commandments to go
over. She said firmly, I want to be baptized. So we told her we would do all
that we could to help her. We were trying to figure out days we could meet with
her, fit in an interview, and help her feel ready. Our member then jumps in and
is like do you have a lesson after this? We then told them no since they
cancelled, so the member is like well keep teaching! We ask Li Jia Ling if it's
okay and she was okay with it, so right then we just kept going and taught her
tithing and fasting! We have our last lesson today and then she gets interviewed
tomorrow. I can't tell you how much faith this girl has, she has literally
shown so much progress from the first time I met her. The gospel has given her
so much hope, so much happiness in the future. That's what I love about this
gospel, it took a girl who was lost and unhappy and turned her into a girl that
relies on her Savior and that has hope for the future!
Gao Pei Yi is
also doing literally amazing! She has been so willing to meet with us (she saw
her four times in one week people. I am talking she is literally so amazing)
and then we brought in the hard part for her....church. It is really early and
so we were trying to help her understand why church was so important. So we
called her on Sunday at 8 am and she woke up and then 8:40 we met up with her
and walked with her to church! The ward was amazing and helped her feel so
welcomed, she had such a good time, she shared in class, and then even stayed
for an activity afterwards. She is really set on baptism, so as soon as she
comes to church three times she will get baptized!! She has really gotten to
know who her Heavenly Father and her Savior is and she has made so much
progress since I first met her! I am so happy people...so happy.
Also, the
fireside went super well! The members' talks really helped investigators and
the musical performances brought the Spirit so strongly!! We had a total of
about 10-11 investigators there (all the missionaries in Xinzhuang of course)
and it was so cool!!!!
Yesterday night
at 10:20 we get this call and Sister McKim and I are super confused with who it
was. Suddenly they said I have to tell something to Sister Chao and I'm
like....who are you. Then they say... 劉姊妹 (Sister Liu) IS GETTING BAPTIZED. and I'm
like...SISTER AUSTAD??!?!?!?!
That's right everyone!! My investigator from 汐止 (Xizhi) is getting baptized this Wednesday!!!!! I remember my first time meeting her,
it was one of my first days in Taiwan and we were going to teach her the Plan
of Salvation. I was so scared because I had no idea what I was doing but I had
a feeling that she was going to be baptized later. I just felt so good about
her when I first met her. She was going to be baptized my last week in
training, but she got caught up with work and saw some bad stuff about our
church and so she cancelled last minute. Sister Austad and I were heartbroken,
but we kept up our faith in her and prayed so hard for her and now she is
getting baptized!! She has changed so much and I am talking so much, I saw how
unhappy and lost she was, she truly was a lost and stressed mother but she has
learned how to rely on her Savior and to trust in Him. She has had to trust in
Him when she herself could not do it alone. Her daughter is also planning on
getting baptized on her birthday! I am so happy people!!
WPS gets long
and rough sometimes so we edited some pics while we were at it. So my companion
is now an ice cream stick and a piece of bread.
pic of 劉姊妹 (Sister Liu) and her daughter. This was when we
dropped off presents for Guonian and so we took pictures with everyone. I
remember when one time she was so busy that Sister Austad and i bought super expensive
strawberries and ditched them with their security guard to give to her.
Then we had this bug on our ceiling
Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106
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