Let me just
tell you...this week though!!!!!! wow. A lot of things happened. So much
happened but now it's over so phew. This week was a lot of people saying they
would come to things but then not showing up, typical missionary life.
But anyways let's go into the stuff you really want to hear:
陳佳茵 (Chen Jia Yin) got baptized!!!!! Her
baptism went so smoothly, it was so great. It was definitely the highlight of
this week. She is one of the most humble people that I've ever met, she thought
her testimony wasn't big enough (it grows over time!!) but she loves church and
that you can learn how to be better from it. We call her the day before to make
sure how she's feeling and she's like...I feel good. No concerns whatsoever and
we are like
alright. Saturday rolls around and we had told
her to come at 5 pm so we could get her the baptism clothes and help her feel
prepared. 4:50 rolls around and she comes up to us with all these Taiwanese
snacks that she wants us to try! So...my companion and I had these chips that
literally taste like Taiwan, like sometimes when you ride past restaurants you
get this smell and that smell is exactly what the chips tasted like. We also
tried pigs blood cake (pigs blood with glutenous rice, peanut powder, and
Taiwan parsley)!!!!!! She like runs upstairs to cut it since it was on a stick,
she then ran down the stairs and starts cackling evilly cause she wanted all
the missionaries to try it. (It wasn't that bad but I wouldn't ever buy it
myself.) She then got baptized and bore her testimony, it was just so smooth I
was so surprised. She also had invited her brother and her cousin to come so it
was super special!!
高佩憶 is also doing really well! We finally
had the opportunity to meet with her and we asked her why she wanted to be
baptized before and she said that it was because she wants to do the right
things in life. She wants to make the decisions that will give her a greater
purpose in life, so we testified to her that she is on the right path and that
after baptism the Holy Ghost will guide her to make the right decisions and
give her a greater sense of happiness! She was more than willing to accept a
new baptism date and I am excited for her!!
We have been
calling through some records and we found this one for a family. We call it up
and they invite us over and so we get to meet the mom and a girl named leaf.
While the rest of the family wasn't as interested in our message, the coolest
thing was the girl named Leaf. When we had started the lesson she had
straight up told us that she didn't believe in God and that there was no way
God existed, after we died we would all just disappear into nothing. We shared
about the first lesson and how if God existed then He truly never left us
because of prophets and the Book of Mormon. When we had asked her if she was
willing to read and pray every night she sat for a second and then looked us in
the eye and said I am willing to try.
We also got one
of the coolest referrals last night. This member had called us during our
lesson and so we called her back afterwards and she said, "hi, my friend
from my class is interested in understanding our church. I had talked to her
about my religion and she said she's interested in understanding more about
it." I had finally recognized her name, when Sister Eyring had first got
to Xinzhuang we had gone to the 張's (Zhang) house for a YSA activity and
they had told me to befriend this LA that was there...it turns out it was the
lady that was currently calling us!! It's so cool and so nice when members
share the gospel because their friends trust them and are more open to
Nothing really happened this week though.
When we went
English boarding and I hand the tract to this girl and she looks at it and then
in English says, "I don't need this" and tries to hand it back to me
and inside I'm like
but then I calmly said give it
to a friend!
Then yesterday
on our way to the lesson with the family it was pouring and so my shoes don't
stay on that well in the rain but usually I'm fine. but this time...oh this
time it was different. So here we were trying to cross this big busy road and I was looking left and right to find the moment and then here it was..the moment we
had been waiting for...just enough time to cross the street. So I went to push my
bike to get going and right when I did my shoe popped off!! So here I was in the
middle of the street while it was raining with ONE SHOE ON. So I had to like
hurry and went back and tried to pick my shoe off the street before the cars came back, but no worries, I am still alive and so is my shoe.
So after the
baptism there was this ward activity that Danfeng was holding and so we went to
attend it and as we head up the stairs to the big meeting hall we hear this
music. But not just any kind of music....rock music??? So we look into the big
meeting room and there is this boy that is jumping from side to side and
banging his head up and down as he plays his electric guitar for everyone. We
were just so surprised cause we didn't know exactly what this activity would
We had been
cleaning our old apartment cause of the move and my companion is cleaning in
the kitchen and she looks under the sink to move everything out. She moves this
big bag out from under the sink and then just goes... Sister Chao. I go in and
there's this huge dead cockroach and I'm like NOOOPE. So...the picture is her
with the broom about to throw it's dead body outside. If you look closely at
the broom you'll see this giant dark oval thing...that's the cockroach.
Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106
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