It's okay though because I think we are going to get a new one today???
*fingers crossed* also this guy next to me is smoking and it's making me cough
so maybe if I evil eye him he'll understand that I am trying to communicate the
word of wisdom to him. He just coughed....he needs the gospel. 
Anyways, the weather is finally cooling down here in Taiwan
which is a huge blessing because I honestly never thought it would cool down
and that I would just be a melting French fry out here in Taiwan. I now wear
jackets basically everyday and I'm just thinking back to when I was in training
and I wore three jackets cause I was cold hahahhaa oh the memories.
This week:
Wow this week felt really long but it also was so fast?? I
don't even know what happened...I have the worst memory. Training miracles are
seriously a thing it was so cool to see how willing and hard working my trainee
is. It helped me realize how much I have changed on my mission, I remember when
I first got to Taiwan and I literally did not talk at all...for probably three
months hahaha. The missions are truly such a blessing because as we are serving
other people, God still blesses us individually and helps us become more like
the person we are meant to be. So cool.
This week we were supposed to meet with Mendy but she
accidentally slept in, but in that time that we were supposed to meet with her
we were able to find two really cool people! We had gotten to the college
campus about half an hour earlier than we expected and so we decided to go to a
7/11 and make some calls and maybe contact some people in there. There was this
lady that sat next to me that had some piercings and was just kind of looking
at us...so in my mind I"m like oh man she made eye contact with me...that
means I have to talk to her. So we start talking and I figure out that she's
also a Christian and knew a little bit about our church. We ended up just
quickly sharing the first lesson and setting up to meet with her again so that
was super cool and such a big miracle. Then we hurried and rushed to meet Mendy
and it turned out she wasn't there and so we were about to leave the college
campus when we pass by this girl and we just say a simple "hiiiii" and
she responded so positively that I was like....oh man I have to talk to her too
then. So we talk to her about who we are and just do a simple contact and then
when I tried setting up with her she didn’t have a lot of time to meet with us
and so I was like … well do you have time right now? She did and so we just met
with her and shared a little bit about why we were on missions and the book of
Mormon. It was awesome!!
Nonspiritual thoughts:
oh man what didn't happen this week. I almost got hit by a
. I'm fine. I just am still living up to my almost getting hit every
year by a car (since I almost hit by a school bus when I was a first grader in Elementary
school) it was exciting.
Also we made dumplings at a member’s house and I felt so
ashamed on how ugly my dumplings were....I should've practiced more. But they
were edible so that was the upside.
Our phone has just decided to give up on life and so
sometimes people can't really hear us when we talk on the phone so I've just
been screaming into the phone and they're like "you're whispering" so
it's been a yelling game for the past two days.
Oh yeah
the elders in our district hid my bike and only left my bike seat so I flipped
their bikes.
We also had 張長老's (Elder Chang) birthday and so we got him a wand that lights up and blows out bubbles.
Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106
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