I am running out of ideas to put in the subject lines...sorry fam. Anyways....I forgot to tell you all the coolest thing we learned in zone conference last week, it is called the miracle formula. When we work hard, set goals with the Lord, pray often, and have faith we are able to SEE MIRACLES. The thing is the miracles does not usually come in the way we think, see we are promised a miracle but we are not promised to achieve our goals that we have set. After an awesome district meeting that reminded us of the miracle formula, my trainee and I were pumped to get to work. This week we have been working harder than ever to see more miracles in our area!
It's so crazy
when you are working and praying like crazy for a goal or to find the people
that want to listen and time is running short. It's times where you are short
on time where you can either give up or work harder and keep the faith. We had
set a goal to have five set ups and so we went to work. We went to the old
bishop's house to drop off some sticky notes and then on our way out we stopped
two people and set up with them!! It was so cool and then we did it at a 7/11
and on a college campus!
The one on the
college campus was actually really cool, we were about to walk further into
campus when we stop this boy and we start talking about prayer and the
differences in all the churches on the Earth. It was super cool because we
ended up just sitting outside on a bench and sharing the first lesson with him!
He said he didn't really believe in God so we said that if he was open to the
idea of God and wanted to know if God existed that he would get an answer, all
he had to do was test it for a week until the next time we were able to meet.
Then on our way
out of campus we stopped this girl and she told us how she wanted to be a
nurse, I then asked her who her biggest example was in her life and she told us
that her sister was. I then was like hmmmm....how to connect to the gospel and
so I was like well I really look up to my older brother cause he is the perfect
example and my older brother is Jesus Christ and he's also your brother
too.....AHHAHAHA but it worked, she thought it was cool and set up with us for
later this week!
Yesterday after
church we were going back to our apartment to eat lunch when we see this girl
and her younger sister (awkward moment when I asked if it was her daughter now
hear me out people here all look super young so you never know, turns out she's
only fourteen hahahahahhahha oops.) but we start talking to her and we figure
out that she's Christian too and that she used to come to our English class
before she got busy with school. It turns out that she also has a book of
Mormon and that her family reads the bible every night and so I was like do you
think that maybe you guys could read a chapter of the Book of Mormon and we
could follow up next Saturday at the lower part of our building? She accepted
the challenge and now she's going to read it!! AWESOME.
We also had
this cool stake activity this past saturday and it was really cool to see this
LA member we have been working with bring her mom to the activity and for them
to ride with members there and get to know them. It was super awesome because
there were families that had brought their extended families to the activity
(that aren't members) and it was a super easy way for them to get to know our
members and to have fun!
We were in the
church waiting for a lesson to arrive (turns out she wasn't going to show
hahahha) but the Elder's are waiting for their investigator in the bathroom
when this lady walks into the church asking for the water fountain. Elder
Alexander motioned me to hurry and come talk to her and so i run to the door
and I'm like hiiiii and she turns around and I just go
her glasses are completely sideways and one of them is broken and has been
glued back to the middle of her glasses like a kick stand with the glue that
looks like hard marshmallow foam. The glasses were placed so oddly that it made
one of her eyes huge and the other one tiny and so I was just super surprised
and didn't know exactly what to say. We quickly ask her to come in and we try
sharing a bit about the gospel but all she wanted to talk about was when we
were going back to America cause it's really hard to go to America unless she
had friends there...so she wanted to get our Line accounts (that we don't even
have, but we are required to buy smart phones this
Wednesday and will open a Line account) but overall it was just a funny
Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106
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