Guess what I found? |
Can you believe Christmas is in one week?! Crazy!!! I can't
believe it's coming up so soon! Christmas doesn't really feel the same when
you're on a mission. It's really crazy, usually on Christmas we think of
ourselves and family and what gifts we get. But on the mission I have learned
that it is so much more about serving and remembering Christ and his example!
The coolest way to remember Christ is through Light the World. It is a really
easy way to learn one act that Christ did everyday. Everyday when we try and
share the gospel it really helps me remember the true meaning of Christmas.
Here's the meaning of Christmas found in the scriptures: Matthew 1:18-25 and
Chapter 2.
This week was a roller coaster!! It has gotten super windy and it's super cold hahaha never thought I would say that about the winter in a tropical island. It feels significantly colder than my first winter here. Some cool miracles:
So we had an awesome opportunity to go to 八德 (Ba De) and did Christmas caroling in a Carrefour 家樂福 there were multiple sets of missionaries caroling as some of us were handing out tracts and asking "how do you celebrate Christmas" I had the awesome opportunity to talk to this guy who had heard about the caroling and had come to hear the songs. It turns out his mom is Christian but he himself did not understand that much about Christ. We were able to have a cool conversation on how the Book Of Mormon is able to help us understand Christ and how He can help us. He was super humble and willing to listen so it was cool to set him up for the 八德 (Ba De) elders!
Juno 陳品妤 came to all three hours of church! We felt a little awkward at first because we didn't have a huge opportunity to talk with her at church, but the members were awesome and noticed that it was her first times at church and were super welcoming and trying to be her friend! We had originally set up a certain member to sit by her at church but at Relief Society it had kind of gotten crowded and so the members took it into their own hands to have someone sit by her and take care of her! It was so awesome and she texted us later and said she was super happy that she came!!
After District Meeting we had decided that we were going to be even more dedicated on finding people! We had an awesome district meeting where we all set a goal together as a district on how many people we wanted to find that week and as we found people we would post it in our group chat and say how we found them. The goal was to work together as a team though, so even if we hit our goal we would go above and beyond, and if we didn't we would trust that other people in our district would have our backs on completing the goal. With this goal in mind and with many prayers in our hearts we set out to a 7/11 to write a note to one of our investigators. When we sat down there weren't too many people next to us and the dirty table to the side of us wasn't helping. As we kept praying and having faith that we would find new people a mom and her daughter sat down next to us. My companion and I quickly looked at each other and we whipped out our wet wipes and tissues to help clean up their table. We eventually started talking to them and the mom had said that a while ago she had run into missionaries just like us and they had given her a Book of Mormon. We were able to share the first lesson with her and talk about how our church could bless families and it was all through the restoration of Christ's gospel! It was a huge miracle and a huge blessing/answer to our prayers!
Nonspiritual thoughts:
So we are preparing for this missionary choir concert right? So we have to tell the actors "aka missionaries" when to go in during a song and one of them missed their intros and the senior missionary in charge said some really funny stuff:
If you miss your intro then I will find you and will shoot you with a squirt gun filled with kool-aid.
So there have been these mosquitoes that have been eating my face alive at night and today we found one on our ceiling, so my trusty companion who is way taller than me took her 拖鞋 (I think in English it's slippers? idk everyone in Taiwan has them for their house) and smashed it on our ceiling so now my blood will forever be in this apartment
(she tried taking a tissue to wipe it
but it ain't coming off.)
We went to visit 徐淑蓉 yesterday but the thing is she doesn't live really close and it was raining...So we arrive pretty wet cause even if you wear a 雨衣 (raincoat, like a giant poncho type thing that looks like it came straight out of the 70's and is possibly the most unattractive attire you could wear and it's hilarious when you're biking in the rain and it limits your peripheral vision so when I try and talk to someone I have to turn my whole upper body towards them and turn my head slightly up so I just look like a straight up dork.) the rain still goes straight up and everything gets wet. So we get there and 許淑蓉 and her mom see how wet we are and her mom is like YOU CAN'T BE THIS WET YOU WILL GET SICK. so she runs and grabs these towels for us to dry off and as we sit down she sees that a lot is wet and so she grabs a hairdryer and starts telling us to take off our shoes and then starts blow drying our feet. She realized that our shoes had puddles of water in it so she passes them to her daughter and this guy friend that was there and they dried our shoes with towels. My companion and I felt so 不好意思 (kind of like a softer version of I'm sorry and a mix of embarrassment?? I don't know how exactly to translate it...) seeing them dry our shoes and her mom drying our feet with a hairdryer, so we sat there awkwardly trying to tell them it's okay. It didn't work.
Yesterday we did hand warmer finding aka we asked people how to use these hand warmers. You don't shake it and it's just a sticker.
This week was a roller coaster!! It has gotten super windy and it's super cold hahaha never thought I would say that about the winter in a tropical island. It feels significantly colder than my first winter here. Some cool miracles:
So we had an awesome opportunity to go to 八德 (Ba De) and did Christmas caroling in a Carrefour 家樂福 there were multiple sets of missionaries caroling as some of us were handing out tracts and asking "how do you celebrate Christmas" I had the awesome opportunity to talk to this guy who had heard about the caroling and had come to hear the songs. It turns out his mom is Christian but he himself did not understand that much about Christ. We were able to have a cool conversation on how the Book Of Mormon is able to help us understand Christ and how He can help us. He was super humble and willing to listen so it was cool to set him up for the 八德 (Ba De) elders!
Juno 陳品妤 came to all three hours of church! We felt a little awkward at first because we didn't have a huge opportunity to talk with her at church, but the members were awesome and noticed that it was her first times at church and were super welcoming and trying to be her friend! We had originally set up a certain member to sit by her at church but at Relief Society it had kind of gotten crowded and so the members took it into their own hands to have someone sit by her and take care of her! It was so awesome and she texted us later and said she was super happy that she came!!
After District Meeting we had decided that we were going to be even more dedicated on finding people! We had an awesome district meeting where we all set a goal together as a district on how many people we wanted to find that week and as we found people we would post it in our group chat and say how we found them. The goal was to work together as a team though, so even if we hit our goal we would go above and beyond, and if we didn't we would trust that other people in our district would have our backs on completing the goal. With this goal in mind and with many prayers in our hearts we set out to a 7/11 to write a note to one of our investigators. When we sat down there weren't too many people next to us and the dirty table to the side of us wasn't helping. As we kept praying and having faith that we would find new people a mom and her daughter sat down next to us. My companion and I quickly looked at each other and we whipped out our wet wipes and tissues to help clean up their table. We eventually started talking to them and the mom had said that a while ago she had run into missionaries just like us and they had given her a Book of Mormon. We were able to share the first lesson with her and talk about how our church could bless families and it was all through the restoration of Christ's gospel! It was a huge miracle and a huge blessing/answer to our prayers!
Nonspiritual thoughts:
So we are preparing for this missionary choir concert right? So we have to tell the actors "aka missionaries" when to go in during a song and one of them missed their intros and the senior missionary in charge said some really funny stuff:
If you miss your intro then I will find you and will shoot you with a squirt gun filled with kool-aid.
So there have been these mosquitoes that have been eating my face alive at night and today we found one on our ceiling, so my trusty companion who is way taller than me took her 拖鞋 (I think in English it's slippers? idk everyone in Taiwan has them for their house) and smashed it on our ceiling so now my blood will forever be in this apartment
We went to visit 徐淑蓉 yesterday but the thing is she doesn't live really close and it was raining...So we arrive pretty wet cause even if you wear a 雨衣 (raincoat, like a giant poncho type thing that looks like it came straight out of the 70's and is possibly the most unattractive attire you could wear and it's hilarious when you're biking in the rain and it limits your peripheral vision so when I try and talk to someone I have to turn my whole upper body towards them and turn my head slightly up so I just look like a straight up dork.) the rain still goes straight up and everything gets wet. So we get there and 許淑蓉 and her mom see how wet we are and her mom is like YOU CAN'T BE THIS WET YOU WILL GET SICK. so she runs and grabs these towels for us to dry off and as we sit down she sees that a lot is wet and so she grabs a hairdryer and starts telling us to take off our shoes and then starts blow drying our feet. She realized that our shoes had puddles of water in it so she passes them to her daughter and this guy friend that was there and they dried our shoes with towels. My companion and I felt so 不好意思 (kind of like a softer version of I'm sorry and a mix of embarrassment?? I don't know how exactly to translate it...) seeing them dry our shoes and her mom drying our feet with a hairdryer, so we sat there awkwardly trying to tell them it's okay. It didn't work.
Yesterday we did hand warmer finding aka we asked people how to use these hand warmers. You don't shake it and it's just a sticker.
At our District meeting |
The pho noodles place that we went on Pday. |
Sister Tiffany Ssu-Hua Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106
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