新年快樂 (Happy New Year!)!!過年到了喔 (The New Year is here!)!!
THE INFAMOUS CHINESE NEW YEAR IS HERE. literally everyone has disappeared. There were like two days where the stores were closed and no one was on the streets. But the members are so nice and have been feeding us like CRAZY. Lunch and dinner are all provided for us for the past week and it continues until Saturday!!! Its been so touching to see families take us in and treat us missionaries as their families. I don't think I've eaten this much duck blood until this year. There's this member in our ward who was selling this 鴨血 (Duck blood) and basically every member has bought it from her so every meal has it HAHAHAH, basically she's virtually 請客 (invite) ing us.
THE INFAMOUS CHINESE NEW YEAR IS HERE. literally everyone has disappeared. There were like two days where the stores were closed and no one was on the streets. But the members are so nice and have been feeding us like CRAZY. Lunch and dinner are all provided for us for the past week and it continues until Saturday!!! Its been so touching to see families take us in and treat us missionaries as their families. I don't think I've eaten this much duck blood until this year. There's this member in our ward who was selling this 鴨血 (Duck blood) and basically every member has bought it from her so every meal has it HAHAHAH, basically she's virtually 請客 (invite) ing us.
Its been super cool cause our stake president has been asking us to have members post our visits on Facebook and it's been super cool to see the effects of it. At first it was only just putting pictures on their but it's inviting other members to have us over and it's been great on helping us develop member relationships. Our members are slowly working on their friends to help give them to us missionaries!
吳妹妹 (Sister Wu) is doing super awesome! It was super cool cause we met with her and she was saying how she had been reading the scriptures one day and her friend had come over and so...Instead of putting the book away and talking to her friend, she read the book of Mormon with her friend! SHE IS ALREADY A MISSIONARY. She is so so set on being baptized, we had to move it back a little bit so her family from 台中(Taichung) could come, but she is super excited to be baptized and her parents don't really oppose at all since they have other family members that are members of our church. She's pretty set on all commandments cause her uncles family who is in our ward have been telling her about them for a long time so she's like I don't like drinking tea and I know the other stuff is bad, I already know what the Sabbath day is (we just had to teach her the name of the commandment hahaha) SHE IS LITERALLY SO COOL.
林姊妹 (Sister Lim) is doing pretty good, she had said before (I'm not sure if I already said this in earlier emails cause I forget what I have written before) but she was scared to have a lot of people go to her baptismal service so she was set on the weekday probably Thursday of next next week. She said that the small questions that she always had (cause she likes to question EVERYTHING) were answered by God, He told her it wasn't important questions that should be holding her back from baptism.
We also had a mini miracle today, 徐淑蓉 (Sister Hsu) brought her niece to church today!! She's being a mini missionary herself too! It was cute to see her telling her niece let's turn off the phone and focus on the hymns and the talks and the Savior. so so sweet.
Nonspiritual thoughts:
SO MUCH WEIGHT. As much as I love 過年 (new year) because we are meeting members and eating food, I just eat so so much and then
they look at me and they're like eat more and I'm like (I give them this pained smile
So we go and try to meet this
LA in our ward and the building is a little sketchy and I'm like it's fine it's
Taiwan they couldn't hurt a fly here. But my companion, Sister Xie, is on edge and has brought out some pepper spray
and here we are at the elevator and it's slowly coming down and then it stops
on the first floor where we are with a clunk and then all of a sudden opens. It’s all wood out there and there's this
random chair in there and my companion jumps and screams which causes me to
freak out and then we ended up running out of the building. 後來(afterwards) everything was fine and we went back in the building
and met the LA AHAHAHAHA.
We've been signing our 紅包 (red lucky envelope) with our full names so they will remember us and since Elder Anderson didn't have a full Chinese name, so we gave him the name 安全帶 (Anquandai, which sounds similar to Anderson) which means safety belt HHAHAHAHHAHA HAHAHAH.
We've been signing our 紅包 (red lucky envelope) with our full names so they will remember us and since Elder Anderson didn't have a full Chinese name, so we gave him the name 安全帶 (Anquandai, which sounds similar to Anderson) which means safety belt HHAHAHAHHAHA HAHAHAH.
Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106
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