This week
Sister Liu and I literally worked our butts off, we just went crazy trying to
get this area going!! Prayers, hard work, and faith really pay off because this
week was awesome!!! Let's start off with Monday. So on Mondays we have FHE and
so we were finding on the way to FHE when there is this dad on the side of the
road waiting to throw away the trash and we start contacting him. Turns out his
daughter was just going to learn Taekwondo and we had stopped him and talked
about families!! He was super willing to set up with us and it was so cool.
Tuesday I went on my first exchanges!!! It was so scary hahaha but Sister Dunn
is so nice and it was super fun to go with her. It was a little hard since I
had only been in this area for five days so I ended up getting lost and going
past our church!!! But we got some cool contacts out of it. I learned so much
from her and we really talked about how to be a successful missionary. It just
reminded me on how hard work and perseverance and a love for the Lord is the
key to success no matter what your numbers are. We are so excited for their
area because the two sisters there are awesome!!
Wednesday we
were a bit scared for English class because I had heard some things happened
and there were basically no students in our children's class!!! A couple of
days beforehand my companion and I had been doing calls for English class and
had been going like crazy trying to get our class going. We had two families
come and one had checked the box on learning more about our church!! We had a
total of seven students which is a lot compared to what they had before. We
made it so much fun and afterwards we talked to both families, one is a
potential and one with a daughter actually came to church with us this past
On Thursday we
did WPS because on Friday we had to go to MLC, but on Thursday night we
recommitted to our plans and we went super hard on gospel discussions. We
talked to LITERALLY EVERYONE. we were talking and talking and stopping
everyone. We weren't seeing too much success until the very end of the night
where we were absolutely pooped and we made a stop at the 7/11 by our house. We
sat next to this lady and we started contacting her, we ended up sharing about
the restoration and as frazzled and tired as we were she set up with us. It
truly testified to Sister Liu and I that the Holy Ghost is the real teacher and
that there are always miracles at the end of the day. We worked super hard and
were blessed with an awesome miracle.
Friday we went
to MLC and I just felt so empowered there!! We were discussing on the need for
reemphasizing the need to teach repentance and baptize converts. We all got
into groups and discussed a bomb repentance lesson. We took Mosiah 4:10 and
took it apart and analyzed how it teaches us to repent. It was super cool and
just reminded me how merciful and loving Heavenly Father is to allow us to change.
In a missionary broadcast about a year ago it talked about how repentance is a
change of action, behavior, and attitude. How interesting is that? Repentance
is also a change of attitude??? Things to ponder.
Friday we had
an awesome lesson with Linda and really tried to build up her faith to ask her
husband if she could come to church. We committed her to really thinking and
having faith in asking him. We fasted for her saturday night and when we asked
her Saturday night and then sunday morning we receive a text saying OK!!
THAT'S RIGHT PEOPLE. LINDA CAME TO CHURCH. It was so awesome because our ward
was so happy and everyone was so welcoming to her. SUCH A BIG MIRACLE.
In our English
class we were acting out some stuff to teach the children and I was paired with
this girl. We were learning how to be polite and our topic was please. I tried
to have her help me but she was like I laid on the floor basically
pretending i was dying and i was like "please hand me my water
bottle." BUT SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. So I continued to lay on the floor
saying Please,,,,,,please...... BUT NOTHING. So I acted out my death and
everyone just laughed. Moral of the story is don't trust kids to give you water
if you're dying. Cause you'll die. Just kidding! 
So here we are
fasting on Sunday and I am super hungry okay like super hungry. We are finding
on the way to church and it's about 12:30 at this point. I stop this guy and I
am like Hi how are you blah blah blah and then I ask him what his happiest part
of his day was and he's like eating!! Then I literally just
Liu and I just bike away and I'm like the 誘惑
(the temptation) hahahahhaa
we went to a
place called green world and it was possible the most random zoo type thing I
had ever went too. first off all the bugs were dead in bug section and
then there was this area called cute animal place and it was full of guinea
pigs, rabbits, a peacock in a cage, and a kangaroo. it was so so random hahaha.
Also Wu
Chengning, the 14 year old member referral, is going to get baptized this
Saturday from my old area and we can attend the baptism. So exciting!!
Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106
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