This week I don't have too much to update on since it's been
what...Four days?
Lucia got baptized! It was super smooth and she invited a lot of family members from 竹東 to come! She ate with us at 6 o'clock about an hour before her baptism. She was super excited every time we said a ward member was coming. It was a nice evening where she was baptized by the bishop, welcomed by the ward, and sharing her testimony on Christ! She got confirmed the next day and it was awesome!
Lucia got baptized! It was super smooth and she invited a lot of family members from 竹東 to come! She ate with us at 6 o'clock about an hour before her baptism. She was super excited every time we said a ward member was coming. It was a nice evening where she was baptized by the bishop, welcomed by the ward, and sharing her testimony on Christ! She got confirmed the next day and it was awesome!
We also had this amazing new investigator 彭小姐. I had seen her outside a 7/11 on exchanges and she was waiting for her taxi to arrive and I had speedily gave her a church tract cause she had to go. A couple days later we go to a different seven to meet this 同學 who ends up being half an hour late so we had decided to do language study. Out of the corner of my eye this lady comes up and waves to us and is like you are here? I remember you! I am confused out of my mind cause I'm like uh.....We say hi to a lot of people....But I look at her nails and I'm like
We met with 冰 and her friend, her friend is actually from Mexico! It was super awesome because we shared about heavenly father and the restoration, the friend was super touched because she said she hasn't had the chance to go to church or talk to god in a while so it was refreshing and nice to talk about Him.
We were thinking with all these new people we were teaching that all of them have the same question. Who heavenly father is, now they all come from different religious backgrounds and different understandings of who He is. But it helped me to really understand that God is our loving Heavenly Father, He is an all knowing and all loving God. He is also unchanging, he loves us just as much as He loved the people thousands of years ago. He still talks to His children, and yes it's like communication because we can talk to Him and He can answer us back. Maybe not a form of communication as if I were talking to my companion but it's just as real when I pray to Him and He answers me through the scriptures.
Nonspiritual thoughts:
We had a cockroach by our dryer. I thought it was dead cause it was chilling on its back but as I got closer it started flailing around and I was like Noooope so my companion smashed it hahaha haha.
Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106
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