Hello!!! This
week was awesome but SO HOT. I may be a wimp when it comes to heat, but Taiwan
does not kid in the summer. It feels like a giant comforter has wrapped itself
around me and decided to light on fire. I am so grateful for A/C, it has made
life so enjoyable.
Thanks for all
the birthday wishes!! This birthday was one of the weirdest but one of the
best! My companion is amazing and made my birthday so special!!
Also my district elders
(six elders and us in the district) even surprised me with a cake during
district meeting and I about died. Yeah they came in all sweaty and I was
like wow and they were like wow it's hot outside. Then I realized it's because
they biked all the way from Costco carrying a big cake in the bike. Lol They
are so sweet.
白家庭 (Bai family) also surprised me, we met with them on
my birthday and when I walked in I see a big happy birthday on their wall that 白妹妹 (Sister Bai)
made. They then proceeded to walk out with a cake and they sang to me in
Chinese and English. I may or may not have teared up a bit. Oh how I wish for
their family to be sealed in the temple for eternity. Anyways, she is taking
the lessons pretty well and she reset a baptism date, we are hoping to move it
a bit earlier since we are almost done with the lessons. *fingers crossed*
My awesome
companion also helped us find a mother who set up to meet with us this past
week and the mom was so willing to hear about the restoration and she was
looking for a place where her children could be happy and have a good
environment to grow up in. She said she thinks she might have found what she
was looking for.
We also met
with Li Jia Ling (the amazing referral from Sister Hickenlooper and I's RC --
Gao Pei Chen) and she said she has been so happy since she's met with us and
she told us some cool experiences of why she believes God exists. She is doing
awesome and is finding so much happiness through the gospel.
God literally
provides, last night we had about an hour before a lesson and so we decided to
go finding alongside this river in our area. There was this girl that I tried
to talk to but she had her headphones in so I was like....ok....but then she
passed us again and in my head I was like "I have to talk to her now cause
this is the second time I've seen her." So I was like...here we go...and I
tried my best to talk to her and at first she was just interested in the
missionary purpose, but when we tried to set her up she was like...if I have
questions I can call you
then all of sudden she was like...do you have time right now? Then we are like,
"OF COURSE." so we finished the first lesson with her and now she's
coming to the fireside next week!!!
Sofie is doing
pretty well, she is really trying to find real happiness. She told us that her
life looks really happy from a superficial angle. She has a REALLY good paying
job, a loving husband, two children, and a nice house but she's not happy at
all and she's looking for a change. She said she's been so unhappy and doesn't
know what to do. That's what I love about this gospel, it allows people to
literally change heir lives and to find true happiness. This gospel can reach
the lives of people who have wandered away and can save the lives of people no
matter how far they've gone.
How is it
literally still so hot when it is 9 at night already. I didn't even know that was possible until
I got here. It's apparently only the beginning of summer so my body better get
itself together.
After district
meeting we usually go English boarding but this time it was just the Siyuan
elders and us because Linkou missionaries usually
leaves first to go back into the mountains and the District Leader was going on
exchanges. So the Siyuan Elders are waiting for us and we go outside to put our
helmets on, I open my box to grab my helmet and there I see a DEAD LIZARD. The
Linkou elders left it there for my birthday!!! LOLOLOL I SCREAMED SO LOUD
and I
scared Sister McKim with my scream. Elder Fuller whipped out his pocket knife
and picked out the lizard for me.
Sofie yesterday
told me that I looked worse than last time and that I looked super tired. I was
like.....it's because I am tired
gotta cover the bags under my eyes cause I apparently look DEAD 
during ward council, the Elders asked a member in our ward for a knife or
something to cut this little piece of cake that they were feeding us. The
member starts reaching in her bag, and in my mind I think she's going to whip
out a small butter knife or something, BUT SHE DIDN'T. Instead she whips out
this huge butcher knife from her bag and I'm like
does she have a huge knife in her bag but at the same time it's so useful.
Last P-day we
went ice skating and there were SO MANY people there and I was struggling. But
afterwards we went to go get some ice cream from Ikea!!
This week we are going
as a district to go get some Greek food and probably a churro??
Also, we have
to buy this special trash bags in order to throw our trash away and so we go to
the 7/11 to buy them and they are like, "What size do you want?" Sister
McKim just goes..."Your biggest one." and they're like...."are
you sure?? it's really big." and she's like "We want the biggest
one." They didn't lie....it is huge.
Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106
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