Monday, March 26, 2018

Sneezy weezy

Hello everyone!! What is new?? We are just chugging along here in Xinzhu!!

Some exciting news, 何姊妹 is getting her baptismal interview tonight and is hopefully getting baptized on Saturday! She's come super far and her faith has really grown, she's been really debating church because she likes to go and spend the day with her children who don't live with her but she knows church is good so she's been making the sacrifice to go in the mornings to church and then afternoon going to be with her children.

We also went to 南寮which is a more sparse area so there's not too many people out there but we spent a whole day there. We went in the afternoon after teaching this mom we met a park last week and we are just biking and biking and we see this mom pushing a stroller. We immediately start going for her and we talk to her and she's like i have a lot of friends who are Christians! So she ends up coming to all three hours of church yesterday and brought her children!

Yesterday at church we had a total of eight people come!! I mean two came to sacrament meeting so the other ones all Came late but we were running around making sure everyone was okay it was wow so tiring hahaha.

We had an awesome ward activity where we got four members to go and the members just went basically and made them their family. It was so cute they just one right after another saying hi.

Nonspiritual thoughts:

A bird pooped on my bike gears lol right after a lesson and I just go over and see my bike with bird poo just everywhere AHAHAHAHA

This week for English class we are acting out the good Samaritan and I have to be the one laying on the ground and sister Liu is like we are going to have the children disregard you.

I'm sitting next to a little boy in a car since we are going with our bishop and his wife to this cool look out and the kid purposely turned his face to me and sneezed twice in my face. I love children 😐😑😑

We also got locked in this building for a bit and we couldn't figure out how to open the door and then after five minutes we found the secret white Button we had to push in order to get out.

This curry I ordered just had a giant carrot in it and no potatoes lol I was so sad.

Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

Monday, March 19, 2018

新 to the竹

Hello everyone!!! It's getting warmer out here in Taiwan! I am so thankful for the wind here in 新竹 (Hsinchiu) because it is a great blessing when it's hot here. This week seems like it flew by wow!!!

This past week we had zone conference and we talked basically about what we talked about in MLC, the question that still gets me is "what would it take?" What would it take to do...... and it really makes you think. Am I willing to do what it takes? We also talked about having faith. I think this is something that has been covered a lot, but it's something so important because it's definitely developed throughout the mission. It takes a lot of faith to go out the door and talk to people who have no Christian background. It takes a lot of faith to keep preaching when things aren't going the way we want. President Jergensen asked us to do an introspection and ask ourselves, what does the Lord think of my faith? Is it sufficient? As we act on small things of faith we are able to help our faith grow. It is kind of like the story where Lehi is in the wilderness with his family and they have the Liahona (a ball type compass thing that would show them the direction they needed to go to make it to the promised land), in order for the Liahona to work they had to have faith that the spindles would point to where they needed to go. The interesting thing is they had to have faith right then and there, it's not like they had Google maps like us and could see the entire journey from a birds eye view, but rather was having faith that the direction was sufficient enough.

何姊妹 is also doing really good!! We met with her twice this past week and we shared the last bit of the commandments, it was super cool to hear how her prayers were answered. She had really wanted to go to church but she was scared her ex husband would be angry with her going. She had been praying that she would have the opportunity to go and then she decided to go and she said that the rest of the week went super smoothly. It really helped her understand that our Heavenly Father will test our faith before we see the miracles. She had been praying about her money issues cause she wants to go back for more schooling, we talked about tithing that night which helped her out!! She said she was a bit unsure about it but that she would try. We then asked her how she felt about her baptism date and she said she felt super peaceful about it and so we are super excited for her and are hopefully going to be able to move it earlier!

張姊妹 is doing good too! We shared about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We talked a lot about change and the Atonement. She said that before she had met her member friend she was really focused on earning a lot of money, having the biggest apartment, the most expensive stuff but she realized that that leaves you empty afterwards. Family is super important to her now! So we talked a lot about the Holy Ghost and baptism and focusing really on the things that are important. She had told us earlier at English class (cause now she takes her children to our class too) that she had been reading the scriptures and it's been helping her feel more peaceful this week.

Nonspiritual thoughts:

Sister Liu killed a giant cockroach again lol. second big one in the apartment so far. it tried hiding under our couch but she got it.

We started doing this cross guard thing for this elementary school near here (for service) and we get to wear these florescent yellow vests and there are all these children FAKING THAT THEY WANT TO CROSS THE STREET I was like omg you are all so naughty. Trying to act like you want to cross the street and there's like 15 of them and some go to the edge of the sidewalk and I am like YOU CAN'T CROSS YET. so naughty.

Lol this lady at a stop light coughed for 50 seconds straight so she didn't have to talk to me HAHAHHAHAHAHA.

Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

Monday, March 12, 2018

Biking against the wind

Okay so I guess my first week heavenly father liked to play a joke on me making me think that the wind here in 新竹 (XinZhu) was small and what not. But not this week. This week it's been biking against a constant wind that's blowing at you.

Anyways this week was awesome!!
We met with 王小姐 (Miss Wang that we contacted at a 7/11 last week and she's so cool. We actually were able to give her a chapel tour. We set her up for Saturday but then she texted us saying she couldn't, so we invited her to church and she said yes! She came to the first hour of church and when we asked her how she liked it she said she had a really peaceful feeling!

Our English class is slowly getting more people, this past week we had double the amount of students than we did the last week. We had about 14 people there! At this rate we will need a bigger classroom so it doesn't feel like everyone's arms are in your space. We did the acting again this time but this time I didn't act with the little girl hahaha so I'm still alive.

On exchanges with Sister Meeks we actually met this super cool lady outside a 7/11, we at first were a bit intimidated but we talked to her and shared about the plan of salvation. She works at a hospital in a department that deals with people after someone has passed away, she really likes that Christian churches are so happy and positive about life.

何姊妹 (Sister He) is doing good, we had a stumble with church but we've been really emphasizing the faith and courage of Nephi. In our last lesson when I was on exchanges we actually talked a lot about the first three chapters of 1 Nephi, we talked about how much faith and courage it took for Nephi to go back to Jerusalem with his brothers even though they had just been commanded to leave everything they had (and they were Not poor people) to go into the wilderness. Nephi's brothers were not in the one bit happy but rather complained and basically yelled at their brother because of it. Nephi kept his faith and said to them that the Lord would provide a way to accomplish the things that He commands us to do. 何姊妹 Was having faith problems with church, but she went to an hour yesterday and texted us that she was grateful that she went and she's expressed that she wants to be like Nephi!

We also had an awesome lesson with 張姊妹 (Sister Chang) and after a bunch of trust falls, crawling around, jumping, etc with her daughters, we were able to teach the plan of salvation to her and start teaching her daughters!!!

I also was able to go to the baptism of 吳妹妹 (Sister Wu, the 14 year old, from my last area) it was so awesome. Her dad came to support her and her aunts (who are members and helped her come to church and meet us) came up from southern Taiwan. The whole chapel was filled with family and the young women and it was just such an amazing baptism. They all spoke to her and as tears ran down her face she was so excited to be baptized. It was such a beautiful baptism ahhhh it was so good. 

Nonspiritual thoughts:


I made sister Liu cry twice this week from laughing hahahhaha. So here we are in district meeting and just listening to the share when this mosquito flies past my face. Both sister liu and I make eye contact and we know it's going to have a short life. So we are watching it and it just flies over to Elder Pilling and chills on his leg so I creep over trying to kill it but it flew away. Later I see it on the back of a chair so I go and hit it, but nothing. Lastly it's on the ceiling and so I grab a chair and whack the ceiling with my tract bag, it died lol. Finally. (also last week when we went to Green World the Elders were like we don't have to worry about mosquitoes biting our legs (they think they can get through but then the mosquitoes get stuck in their leg hair and then die)

I also have been wearing no makeup this week and someone said I looked like I was in Jr high HAHAHHAHAHAHA

Also pretty sure a bird peed on my arm, sister Meeks and I contacted this lady with a pet bird and it flew onto us and then all of a sudden my jacket had a funky liquid on it, but it's fine I washed it lol. 

So we've been trying to send 朱姊妹 (Sister Chu her luggage for like two weeks but the company doesn't answer their phone. So one day we are at the church and we see the company's truck outside so we bolt out the door and I knock on the guys window (scaring him half to death) and we are like you move stuff right? We have a luggage that needs to go to the other side of the island and he's like 沒辦法 (there's no way) and we are just like what but it's your job. So we ask for his company's phone number and he's like I don't know. Then we are like we have been calling them forever and they don't answer. He's like they don't answer my calls either (then we are like what ! How can they not answer employees phone calls) and then he's like maybe they're just too busy to answer. At this point my companion and I are just appalled and confused, so we gave up.

Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

Hello! It's my last week!

This week we met this cool mom that came to our english class because she had met missionaries in Germany and in Yilan! She reme...