Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A Week of Miracles and FOOD

Last week we went to Yingge and we made pottery, ate good food, and you know we went around and bought stuff. It was a fun and relaxing pday! I still am really bad at making anything on the wheel, it may be a bit ugly but 沒關係 (it doesn’t matter) it was made with love and laughter...mostly laughter. 

This week was full of miracles and hard work. We literally have been biking like CRAZY and it has been raining a lot here. I love when it looks sunny and then ten seconds later the sky turns gray and it starts pouring. I finally made my plan of how I am going to study the Christlike attributes until I go home. So I have 8 transfers left (IT HAS GONE BY SO FAST WHAT IS HAPPENING) and so I have just enough time to study each attribute each transfer! 

This week was good and full of miracles. It was hard though since some of our baptismal date investigators that we were hoping would get baptized this transfer had to be dropped. BUT we were able to find some really cool potentials and some new investigators! We got to meet with this cool family that we call the 周家庭 (Chou family), they are awesome and it truly is a miracle because the wife is from mainland China and so she doesn't have a lot of Christian background. The reason she was willing to let us meet her whole family is because her husband got a job about two years ago at a company whose boss is Christian and shares a lot from the bible with them! WHAT A MIRACLE. 

Also, one of our top progressing investigators (Xie Ting Yu) is well on her way to baptism! We are feeling confident that she can make her date for June 10th.  We taught her the third lesson and word of wisdom this past Saturday, she was a little hesitant about the Word of Wisdom but when we talked to her on Sunday she said that every time she would drink coffee or tea she would have a bad feeling. She is truly set on her date and is willing to meet with us twice a week and loves to read and pray. I AM SO EXCITED FOR HER.

We've also really trying to get the ward pumped for missionary work! They have been doing an awesome thing called the forty day fast that is all for missionary work! The members are so amazing and signed up for days to fast, there were literally no empty spots! (All according to Sister Hickenlooper, I got here in the middle of it) We have seen some really cool miracles from it, some less active members/families have been coming back to church and members are bringing their friends to church!! Member work is honestly so amazing and I don't know if they realize how big of an impact they make. 

Nonspiritual thoughts:

Sister Hickenlooper and I have literally been eating so much food hahaha, but I justify it with the two weeks I could barely eat since I was sick and that we bike a ton. DON'T QUESTION IT. There's just this road here that has so many little restaurants and carts, just so much good food. 

Also, a couple of weeks ago we heard our first Chinese song that had country mixed in with it. It was honestly one of the most interesting songs I have ever heard. 

This week for pday we are going to go watch a dragon boat race, I am excited because it will probably be the only time I get to see it in person for a while! 

Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

Monday, May 22, 2017

Biking Upon Biking

We biked literally SO MUCH THIS WEEK. It was constantly back and forth from our area to the church hahaha. I better have ripped legs after this.

This week was really good!! We met with a lot of cool people and set up some really cool potentials! Irene is one of the most golden people, she is so cute and ​has loved all the lessons. It was so sad though...she had to stop meeting with us because in 50 days she has a test to get into college and her dad wants her to focus on the test. He won't let her out of the house so she literally has no way to meet with us. BUT she said she would try and talk to her dad to figure out a way she can still meet with us. 

This week we set a baptismal date with a teacher whose last name is Zhang! It's a total miracle because she has never been able to set a date since they started teaching her, but she's made a huge turn around and set a date!! MIRACLE. Also, we've met with two different investigators that have literally straight up said that baptism is something they want and I am literally so ecstatic when I hear that because it is a covenant that literally can change their lives! 

Also we had a cool mission conference with 5 general authorities! It was so good and I learned so much. We learned a lot about how to become better missionaries and just a whole bunch of stuff that I can't currently remember hahaha but it was good. 

​Nonspiritual thoughts:

The ants are slowly disappearing because we have hid all the food in the fridge hahahaha. ​

Today we are biking to Inga, I hope I don't die. But it should be a lot of fun so BRING IT ON.

Last p-day we went to Bitan...it was for couples hahaha but ya know we just went for it and walked across the bridge and ate some sketchy ice cream from a grandma who also sold fish. It was super pretty, a little rainy but still fun!

Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

Monday, May 15, 2017

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day!

It was nice to skype with all of you today!! It's kind of weird now we are going to email hahaha but it's fine. 

This week was really good!! We found some really cool investigators! The members here are so into missionary work and it's amazing when we get to teach their friends. One of our members was at a fruit market and met one of the workers and invited her to English class, but since she has work she had no way of going but then our member invited her to meet with missionaries! 

We also just got a really awesome investigator named Irene, we met her while going English boarding (we go out and hand out English class flyers) and she was super willing to meet with us. We shared the restoration with her and gave her a chapel tour, at the end we were able to give her a baptismal date and she's doing awesome so far!

I also set up a former investigator named Gan Su Juan and we were able to go meet her at her house, some people take time to be more prepared (she met missionaries two years ago) and it's awesome because she took our lesson pretty well and we were also able to set a baptismal date with her! 

One of our investigators named Gao Pei Chen is also doing amazing!!! She's so golden, she's a referral from someone in Hualian, and she loves all the lessons (she even takes notes in them!) and loved church when she came. She made so many friends and it was just SO AMAZING.

We also got the family we contacted last week to set up for this coming week, so we are super excited for that!! This week is set up to be a pretty great week so I am pumped for missionary work! 

Nonspiritual stuff:

I had to throw pebbles at an investigators window because she lived in an apartment where all their buzzers didn't work and her phone was turned off but she was home. I have horrible aim, but on the fourth try I got her attention and we were able to meet with her lol. 

IT IS GETTING SO HOT HERE, I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I AM GOING TO SURVIVE SUMMER. I MIGHT DIE OF SWEAT. But since we bike so much in my new area I am hoping I have legs of steel by the end of it all. 

Also, our apartment is full of ants and they are so smart I swear. We kill so many ants but they keep coming back so basically anything with food taste or smell we just immediately put it in the fridge. We figured out what they were all trying to go to though, there was this old like ramen snack on top of the fridge and the ants had eaten a hole through the wrapper and were all going for it. Sister Hickenlooper put her cough drops that were in a ziplock bag on the floor since she's starting to pack for home and within one day the ants had gone over there and ate a hole through the ziplock bag and got to her cough drops. DISGUSTING.

Sister Hickenlooper has her camera so I can attach two photos this week hahaha. One is from when we ate this stinky tofu that is super popular here and the other is last pday when we were biking.

Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

Skype on Mother's Day!

Eating stinky tofu

Hello! It's my last week!

This week we met this cool mom that came to our english class because she had met missionaries in Germany and in Yilan! She reme...