Monday, November 6, 2017

The week of wind and change

Hi family!!! How are you all doing? I hope you aren't all freezing in Utah, it's starting to get cold here because of all the wind here (which honestly hits you like a wall of bricks and you just have to bike ten times harder which means that my legs are getting huge!!!) 
Exciting news: Our mission is turning into a smart phone mission! We have to buy our won smartphone from the approved list soon. I am excited to see how we can use it to help missionary work here! So many people use LINE here so I'm hoping this opens up more opportunities for people to meet with us!

Training miracles are definitely a thing, we had some really cool opportunities this past week. One miracle we saw was when we met with Lin Chi Rong and she's super humble and just soaked in everything we said and then we invited her to be baptized. She thought about it for a second and then said yes!! We didn't have a specific date in mind but then I invited her to be baptized on 12/9 and she looked at her work schedule and was like I have that day off!! I talked to my companion later and she said midway through the lesson she thought of that date too and the Holy Ghost just helped both of us know how to help her and what date would be best for her. 

We also went on exchanges this past week and it was super cool going with Sister Dayton, she's such an amazing missionary. We went to go and find this LA that works at a 7/11, we stopped at this little 7/11 on the road and next door was this golf shop. We started talking to the owner about our church and he was super interested, he told us that he had Sunday's off so he could spend time with family and from that we connected it to church and now he's going to church this coming Sunday!! 

Yesterday we went to go find this member's house and drop off a note to her house but it turns out she wasn't there. So when we were about to leave these two people on a motor scooter pull up and it turns out to be her step son and his son! We quickly ask if they have ten minutes that we could share something with their family and they actually let us in!! We talked to five people in their family and taught them about prayer! It was so cool and such a big blessing!

Nonspiritual shares:


We did a Halloween activity for English class and my companion and I were in charge of face paint and so I drew cat stuff and unibrows on adults hahahahaha. Then someone drew a fake watch on my wrist.

Sister Chen and I were planning for our English class and she decided to be a werewolf and act out some super funny scenes of a love story where the werewolf is about to change and it was just so funny.

We and the district elders were having a dinner at a member's house. Don't worry, it is not beer, just malt soda.

Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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