Monday, January 1, 2018


Reunion of our group at the Christmas Zone conference
First off happy new year! 2017 is over! I've been in Taiwan for over a year now!) At least here in taiwan it is hahaha.
This week my companion and I got sick, but it isn't the worst so it's okay. Its just a minor cold, so 還活著。 (still alive) 

It was fun talking to you all on Christmas Day! Miss you and love you all!

For Christmas, my entire district went shopping! We biked out to this super far place (actually 還好 it was only a 45 minute bike ride) that had super expensive stores. (Jk they weren't that expensive they were outlets but still just expensive brands that say it's on sale but you only save maybe three pennies at the most. Also super funny cause a lot of the stores had signs that were like up to 70% off but you go in and it's maybe .05% off so you save about nothing)

This week the weather has been so bipolar, it's been going from cold to hot to freezing. But let's hear the good things that happened this week!

Angelina is doing so good! It was awesome to meet with her cause she was a former and had said before she had no time, but now she's like any time in the morning on the weekdays I can. So we meet with her and we start doing the commandments. We had went in with the mindset of only sharing some commandments, but then she just ended up asking about more of them so we just kept going. Then when we were setting up for the next week, I tried to set up for later this week but then she was like I am going to 花蓮 in two days...So I was like what about tomorrow? So then we met with her the next day and now we are almost done with the commandments.

We also had this English class miracle, it was a former that the other sisters were teaching alongside her friend but they had dropped them and it turns out one of them lives in our area! So I had forgotten about her for a while and then I realized that the other sisters had stopped teaching her a long time ago so we set up with her!

Juno had decided to take this giant law test and so she was saying that she was going to be busy studying and wouldn't really have time to meet with us. We were like nooooo you are so cool. So we were like can you come to board games and she was like I can try and make time (and at first I was like 🙃🙃🙃🙃 you make time for board games but not learning the gospel???) and then she was like I won't be able to make it there until 9pm and I told her well board games will already be over but you can still come and we can meet with you! We were unsure if she was going to come but when 9 o'clock came there she was with her Book of Mormon in hand!! We then had a good lesson about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and putting the gospel first in our lives. It was definitely good for her and it was really cool that she came (also I've been getting really direct in my lessons with some of our investigators hahaha, but I do it cause I love them and sometimes they just need a straight up this is how it is)

Nonspiritual thoughts:

So no one told me that all of Sunday night I was wearing two name tags. I had one on the edge of my coat that was a clip tag and one magnet one on the other side. So I walk into our house and I look at myself and there I am looking like a dummy with two name tags on.

I have a fear of being bit at night cause recently I have been being eaten alive by mosquitoes while I sleep which is crazy cause I wear a ton of bug spray to sleep and use the repellent stickers. So yesterday I spray the repellent and then go to turn off the light but then a mosquito flies right next to me and I just have this giant panic arise in me so then I put on socks, gloves, a face mask, and an eye mask (I basically had no skin showing HHAHAHAHHAHA) ...Plus more bug spray. Needless to say I did not get bit two nights night so I WIN. I did it again last night and today I woke up without my face mask and with only one glove so I guess I partied it up last night.

A little boy while we were contacting yesterday said I looked like I was in my 30's or 40's. He said he was joking but I didn't know whether I should be offended or not.

We played a game called 牛頭王 which means cow head king and Beth won so she acted it out.

As a district we all exchanged gifts for Christmas. This is elder Alexander in the pink scarf we gave him.

Jack 黃章銘 shaved his beard off and so he has this joke where he says he looks like a totally new person and so he walks into the church and is like I'm Jackie and I like fried chicken.

I asked 張長老 Elder Chang to draw me as a dinosaur cause he drew that cute crying one and so then he drew me playing the piano. Just look how majestic my hair is.

MTC Buddies reunited again!

Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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