Monday, July 31, 2017

Transfers and Typhoons!


Hello everyone!! This week was transfers and Sister McKim left on the 27th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We were honestly so surprised because we thought we would be staying together for one more transfer, but my new companion is Sister Eyring. She's from Boston, Massachusetts but moved to Provo for high school! She is just out of breaking so I am two transfers ahead of her which means I am the senior companion. I was freaking out when I saw the transfer call and was like I CAN'T BE A SENIOR COMPANION. It is very different, my reading skills are sub par but just wait....they'll improve hahaha. Anyways, her bike hasn't gotten here yet so we have been walking and using the MRT for the past four days! Let's go to the miracles!
This week:

One of the coolest things happened last Monday, we get this phone call from this girl named Joanne and she's like...are you the Xinzhuang missionaries? And we are both super confused but we are like yes! She said that her friend had told her about our church and she wanted to learn more and how it could help her life! So we were like can you meet on Wednesday? She's like I have to check my schedule but you can call later tonight. So night time comes and we were doing some other calls when Joanne calls us and she's like hey I can do Wednesday! She's so prepared so prepared. We taught her the first lesson and set her on a baptism date! She's like can we make every Wednesday our meeting day cause that's my day off and yeah she's just doing so well.

Heavenly Father has blessed us so much this week, this week we were able to set five new baptismal dates!! With people that are doing pretty solid and are on their way to baptism!! One was this former named Chen Jia Yi, I had heard a lot about her and how she wouldn't answer her phone, but I have been inviting her to every activity we have had since I have been here in Siyuan and then she ended up coming to our Musical Fireside! We have been meeting with her ever since and it's been going really well. 

Also 劉姊妹 (Sister Liu) got baptized on Wednesday and I was able to hear her testimony and it was so amazing, she's so different from the first time I met her. There's no way to explain how much she has changed, she's so much happier. 

Li Jia Ling has to postpone her baptism, some weird things are happening but we are hoping we can help her find her way back and remember why she wanted to get baptized! Other than that this week was pretty ordinary!!

Nonspiritual thoughts:

We went hiking near Neihu last pday and it was literally so so hot. I am talking like it felt like my own body was baking itself in the sun. Sister McKim and I tried to take cute pictures but was not happening. Our faces are so red cause it was so hot.

So this dog came into this 7/11 when we were done hiking and all of us just looked at it and were like...SAME. It came in to the 7/11 because of the AC and to just lay there in the cool air. All of us have never connected to an animal as well as this dog.

The 王家庭 (Wang family) also treated us out to a steak place and it was so fun. 

The typhoon hit us in Taiwan but it was way smaller than Sister Eyring (my new companion) and I expected. We were just waiting for this massive storm to hit but all we got was a bit of rain and lots of wind! I hear the East got hit harder, but it wasn't that bad here in Siyuan!!

Sister Tiffany Chao
Taiwan Taipei Mission
4/F, #24, Lane 183
Jin Hua Street
Da-an, Taipei 106

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